Audiodata Presents the Premium Loudspeaker MASTER ONE at the Hi-Fi Trade Show HIGH-END 2015 in Munich
In 1982, Peter Schippers started constructing stereo loudspeaker systems that have enjoyed benchmark status in the industry to the present day. Their name: Audiodata. 2014 marked the start of Audiodata’s re-launch: building on the existing excellent technical base, the newly created Audiodata Lautsprecher GmbH in Salzburg – founded by Hannes Palfinger and Franz Stöger – is now again building a loudspeaker that is setting new standards.
After more than a year of development, Audiodata presented the first premium speakers “Made in Austria” at HIGH END 2015 in Munich. Designed by internationally renowned industrial designer Stan Maes, the MASTER ONE is the first co-production by Franz Stöger and Peter Schippers – the essence of the new brand’s philosophy, combining the best of two generations.
“The Original Sound of Music” – with this motto, Audiodata Lautsprecher GmbH, headquartered in Salzburg, Austria, presents the long-awaited first premium loudspeakers since the re-launch of the history-rich sound studio about a year ago from May 14 to 17 at HIGH-END 2015 in Munich. As the first co-production of Audiodata’s lead developer, Franz Stöger, and the brand’s founder, Peter Schippers, the MASTER ONE combines the best of two generations.
The MASTER ONE rests on the greatest strengths of Audiodata – time accurate playback. The signals always meet at your ear at the exact same time. The result is a perfect stereo panorama and maximum room depth. The sound emanates from a single source and is presented to physical perfection – the music experience is unmatched by any other loudspeaker.
The Audiodata MASTER ONE boasts an innovative coaxial chassis that uses an extremely distortion-free beryllium tweeter. The actively controlled woofer technology ensures clear and precise sound reproduction. All electronics and mechanics are on a par with the latest technology, the cable paths are fully optimised and the entire control technology has been designed from scratch. The doubling of the sound surface over its predecessor on a total of four bass speakers allows significantly more sound pressure and volume. Through the interplay of various high-quality materials, the contact of the individual components of the housing, and thus their stability, has been improved many times over.
Hannes Palfinger, CEO of Audiodata Lautsprecher GmbH, reports: “The new era of Audiodata is starting off with a bang: as the first complete new creation since our re-launch, the MASTER ONE sets new benchmarks in every respect. And it is only the beginning: the MASTER series will continuously be expanded. In September, we’ll release the MASTER TWO and in December, the MASTER THREE.”
More information on the new MASTER ONE can be found at www.audiodata.com and from May 14 – 17 at HIGH-END 2015 in Munich: Atrium 4, 1st floor, Room F-11.

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