
Solid Gold – The smart Update Programm

For more than 30 years, Klangschmiede AUDIODATA is considered synonymous with perfect sound. Trends come and go. But speakers by AUDIODATA remain.

3 Questions for Audiodata CEO Hannes Palfinger

Hannes Palfinger is a successful entrepreneur, a hi-fi freak and is dead serious when it comes to quality. The combination of these characteristics led to the founding of Audiodata Lautsprecher GmbH in 2014. His mission: the perfect “Made in Austria” loudspeaker.

3 Questions for Franz Stöger

For more than 20 years, Franz Stöger has been looking for the perfect sound.  In hi-fi circles he is primarily known as a refiner of high-quality hi-fi systems. In the mid-1990s, Stöger founded the company “Tonart” which specialises in customising highquality hi-fi systems.

3 Questions for Audiodata founder Peter Schippers

His name is inseparably linked with the name Audiodata: in 1982 in Aachen, Germany, Peter Schippers founded the legendary loudspeaker brand. One of the first to do so, the young hi-fi pioneer used modern computer technology to minimise both manufacturing tolerances and standard deviation within a production series. And Peter Schippers is still at the leading edge with the new Audiodata Lautsprecher GmbH: together with Franz Stöger, he has developed the new loudspeaker series MASTER ONE.

Audiodata presents Master One at HIGH END 2015 in Munich

Good news for fans of Audiodata speakers: The traditional sound forge presents the first new speaker series since the new start of the company in Salzburg last year. And, as it should be the case for a true prestige manufacturer, the new era starts with a bang.

3 Questions to Product Designer Stan Maes

He belongs to the generation of aspiring, internationally active product designers and, as a native Belgian, still has a great connection with Austria: Audiodata designer Stan Maes talks about his career, the personal design philosophy and the challenge of creating products whose main task it is to sound good.

Successful relaunch of the traditional brand Audiodata

For more than 30 years, the sound forge Audiodata, with registered office in Aachen/Germany, is considered synonymously with perfect sound. In the professional audio world, particularly among the music lovers with the highest quality standards, the speakers of company founder and chief developer Peter Schippers have an excellent reputation.